2003-2004 Graduate Academic Catalog

- Page 10 - sought. The Graduate Office will be responsible for arranging these interviews. The processing of applications by the applications office cannot be completed until all application materials (including official copies of transcripts and test scores) are received. Applicants should feel free to contact the Graduate Admissions Office to check on the status of materials received. S TANDARDS OF C ONDUCT At Cedarville University we believe that the principles found in the Bible should govern our appearance, words and actions. We believe that our appearance, words and actions should honor and manifest godly qualities, recognizing that we have a responsibility to maintain a clear and compelling witness before unbelievers. Consequently, all students at Cedarville University are expected to handle issues of conduct and dress as mature Christians and working professionals. Some aspects of the commitment that faculty, staff and students make reflect biblical convictions; others reflect what we call “institutional preferences” and such preferences allow us to maintain an orderly Christian educational community on campus. Specifically, we all agree not to use alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or non- medicinal drugs. We also agree not to participate in inappropriate dancing, gambling, use unwholesome media materials, or hold membership in secret societies. Most graduate courses are offered on Saturdays or during summer modules, so modest, dress-casual would be appropriate. We have a sincere respect for the Lord’s Day and ask all students to respect and honor that position. In all things we seek to serve Christ and avoid personal attitudes of distrust, dishonesty, selfishness, damaging criticism, disrespect, unethical conduct, and irreverence. All graduate students are expected to comply with the Cedarville University Standards of Conduct. The director of graduate programs, working with the appropriate campus officials and offices, is responsible for matters related to graduate student conduct. Students who are found to violate the University’s standards of conduct will be subject to corrective action up to and including expulsion from the University. FINANCIAL DETAILS U NIVERSITY F INANCIAL O PERATING P OLICY The tuition and fees are kept as reasonable as possible consistent with responsible operation of the University. The revenue from students does not cover the total cost of operation. The University is partially supported by individuals and churches who desire to have a share in the preparation of young people for effective Christian service as pastors, teachers, missionaries, evangelists, and dedicated Christians in all walks of life. Some funds are received from interested businesses, industries, and foundations. Student costs as stated are subject to change upon reasonable notification by the University. Revision as of 8/21/2003