2003-2004 Graduate Academic Catalog

- Page 20 - C LASSIFICATION OF S TUDENTS Graduate students are classified by the number of hours they are enrolled, as follows: • Full-time students are those who have met the requirements for admission as determined by the Graduate Admissions Committee, are enrolled in a degree program, and are carrying at least 8 semester hours of credit in that academic semester. • Part-time students are those who have met the requirements for admission as determined by the Graduate Admissions Committee, are seeking a degree, and are taking fewer than 8 semester hours. • Non-degree seeking students are students who are taking courses but not currently enrolled in a formal Cedarville graduate degree program. This status is granted by the director of graduate programs in consultation with the department sponsoring the degree program under which the course falls. In most cases students may take up to 1/3 of the number of hours required for a degree program on a “permission to take course” basis. Graduate students are also classified according to their relationship to formal programs, as follows: • Regular status: the student has met all the requirements for admission to the graduate program as determined by the Graduate Admissions Committee. • Conditional status: the student has applied for admission to the graduate program at Cedarville University but must meet some prerequisite of his/her graduate program, or must complete some part of the application process (the determination about whether to allow participation in the graduate program under conditional status is made by the Graduate Admissions Committee). • Transient status: the student is a properly qualified student in good standing in a graduate degree program at another institution, has written authorization from the appropriate officials at that institution to take graduate courses at Cedarville University, meets all the registration requirements for the course (for example, prerequisites), and has been accepted for transient status by the Graduate Admissions Committee. C ONTROLLING B ULLETIN The Graduate Bulletin in use when a student first enrolls governs his graduation requirements unless that bulletin is over 5 years old, or that student has left and then sought to reenroll more than two years later. Consequently, that bulletin should be retained and used as a guide in case changes are made in the course or graduation requirements during the time the student is enrolled. A student may select a subsequent bulletin if the student wishes, but all requirements from that bulletin must be completed. Revision as of 8/21/2003