2006-2008 Bulletin of the Graduate Programs

- Page 12 - Revision as of 10/11/2006 W ITHDRAWAL R EFUNDS : T UITION AND C OURSE F EES Students withdrawing from the University before the end of a semester may request a refund from the Cashier’s Office. Refunds may be requested anytime after the beginning of a semester. The effective date of the withdrawal from the University is the last day of class attendance as determined by the Registrar’s Office. Tuition and course fee refunds for withdrawal are granted on the following schedule: Fall and Spring “Saturday Only” Classes Amount Dates 100% After the 1 st class but before the second class 25% After the second class but before the 3 rd class. None Anytime after the start of the 3 rd class. Summer One, Two, or Three-week Modules Amount Dates 100% After the 1 st class but before the 2 nd class 50% After the 2 nd class but before the 3 rd class 25% After the 3 rd class but before the 4 th class None After the start of the 4 th class Course offerings changed or withdrawn by the University entitle a student to a full refund of tuition and related course fees. Students withdrawing from a course or courses will be granted a full tuition refund to apply toward courses added. If the new total hours are fewer than the original total, the above refund schedule will apply. F EDERAL R EFUND P OLICY In addition to the overall institutional policy requirements, the following regulations mandated by the United States Department of Education are applicable. When a refund is due a student under Cedarville University’s refund policy and the student received financial aid under federal Title IV funds, a portion of the refund shall be applicable to the Title IV programs based on a federal formula, except the university work study program. Pro Rata refunds will be calculated for all students who withdraw before the expiration of 60% of the term of attendance. A federal refund and an institutional refund will be calculated on all other students who withdraw. Federal Refund Policy Program included: Federal Stafford Loans A portion of Title IV grant or loan funds, but not FWS funds, must be returned to the Title IV programs upon a Title IV recipient’s withdrawal from the school. Withdrawal date The day the student withdraws is the date (determined by the school): • The student began the withdrawal process prescribed by the school; • The student otherwise provided the school with official notification of the intent to withdraw; or • For the student who does not begin the school’s withdrawal process or notify the school of the intent to withdraw, the mid-point of the period of enrollment for which Title IV assistance was disbursed (unless the institution can document a later date).