2023-2025 Graduate Academic Catalog

Page 106 2024–25 Graduate Academic Catalog Graduate-Level Course Descriptions BTAT-6110 – BTAT-6250 B Bible and Theology — Applied Theology (BTAT) BTAT-6110 Biblical Care and Counseling 3 hours An introduction to the historical context and theological foundations for counseling ministry. This course covers methods of change and basic counseling skills. It examines case studies, practices basic counseling skills in a discipleship relationship, and considers various ministry contexts. The course format includes lecture, video, and discussion. (dual-listed with BTAT-3400 Biblical Care and Counseling) BTAT-6120 Biblical Foundations of Worship 3 hours Provides a biblical and theological foundation for worship through a study of the Old and New Testaments. The course develops a theology of worship with its biblical roots and its historical development. Special attention will be given to understanding a theology of worship in a contemporary, local church context with a view to the future place of worship in eternity. BTAT-6130 Interpersonal and Crisis Counseling 3 hours Building upon a biblical and theological foundation for biblical care, discipleship, and counseling, this course provides intermediate and advanced principles and practices of interpersonal and crisis counseling. A biblical approach to common counseling problems involving both sin and suffering is addressed within Christian ministry. It also discusses the role of counseling in encouraging and cultivating spiritual growth through discipleship relationships and providing biblical life wisdom. Prerequisite/Corequisite: BTAT-6110 Biblical Care and Counseling; or permission of the professor. (dual-listed with BTAT-3430 Interpersonal and Crisis Counseling) BTAT-6140 Counseling and Mentoring Men 3 hours In this course, the distinctive theological foundations and skills of biblical counseling will be examined and applied specifically to the ministry of mentoring and counseling men. Study will focus on the mandate and skills of leading men toward comprehensive maturity and counseling as it pertains to common life challenges for men in contemporary society. BTAT-6150 Counseling and Mentoring Women 3 hours This course will study the distinctives of biblical counseling specifically applied to counseling women as well as biblical responses to life struggles specific to women. Additionally, the mandate and skill of mentoring woman to woman will be studied. (dual-listed with BTCM-3520 Counseling and Mentoring Women) BTAT-6160 Counseling Methods and Theology 3 hours This course describes methods and the theological basis of various approaches to counseling and the care of souls in the history of the church. It traces the historical developments of soul care and its expression in modern approaches of biblical counseling. It culminates with the articulation of a biblical theological methodology for counseling. BTAT-6170 3 hours Advanced Topics in Biblical Counseling 1: Sex, Marriage, and Family This course analyzes common counseling issues related to sex, marriage, and the family. These counseling issues are studied from a biblical theological basis. It provides a framework and techniques for understanding and providing counsel in these issues. Prerequisite: BTAT-6110 Biblical Care and Counseling. BTAT-6180 3 hours Advanced Topics in Biblical Counseling 2: Embodiment This course analyzes common counseling issues related to the inner and outer man as well as their interconnectivity. These counseling issues are studied from a biblical theological basis. It provides a framework and techniques for understanding and providing counsel in these issues. Prerequisite: BTAT-6110 Biblical Care and Counseling or permission of the instructor. BTAT-6200 Introduction to Missions 3 hours Foundational concepts and concern of missions today including definitions, missions theology, preparation, mission decisionmaking, mission and the local church, the missionary family, short-term missions, and the mission agency. (dual-listed with BTAT-3200 Introduction to Missions: Theology and History) BTAT-6210 Biblical Leadership 3 hours Christian leadership is primarily a function of the Holy Spirit’s work through a servant of Christ. The Spirit usually does not override the personality or leadership style of the person in this process. Therefore, an individual’s personality, leadership style, personal integrity, and ministry philosophy are vital to effectiveness in the Christian ministry. This course will guide the student to critically interact with the Bible, academic research, and the writings of seasoned practitioners in the fields of biblical leadership and Christian ethics. BTAT-6215 Pastoral Leadership 3 hours This course serves as a study of the biblical principles of leadership as applied to pastoral ministry. This will include study regarding the convictions needed as a pastoral leader, personal character and integrity, competencies required within a ministry context, leadership style, and philosophy of ministry, all of which are vital to effectiveness and longevity in a church leadership context. This course will guide students to interact critically with the Bible and other key secondary sources on the topic of pastoral leadership. BTAT-6220 Personal Evangelism 3 hours Study the philosophy, principles, and methodology of personal evangelism. The course includes developing a personal witnessing methodology, understanding the current issues in evangelism, and learning to answer the difficult questions often asked in witnessing experiences. BTAT-6230 Contemporary World Missions 3 hours This course will address contemporary issues in Christian missions, highlighting challenges and opportunities that are specific to current trends in missions. Among other things, this course will discuss short-term missions, globalization and its effects, and various missions strategies. (dual-listed with BTAT3450 Contemporary World Missions) BTAT-6240 Cross-Cultural Ministry 3 hours This course will prepare students to engage in ministry crossculturally by encouraging appropriate postures of learning, communicating, and ministering. In an effort to stimulate this preparation, the course will cover issues such as cultural distance, ethnographic research methods, and worldview assessment. (dual-listed with BTAT-3470 Cross-Cultural Ministry) BTAT-6250 Church Planting 3 hours This course will expose students to the various stages of church planting including vision casting, planning, implementation, and reproduction. Likewise, it will present multiple approaches to church planting and church structure, culminating in a student project wherein students will create and present strategic two-year church planting plans targeting a specific location. Prerequisite: BTAT-6200 Introduction to Missions or permission of the professor.