2023-2025 Graduate Academic Catalog

Page 112 2024–25 Graduate Academic Catalog Graduate-Level Course Descriptions CYBS-6280 – INNV-6200 CYBS-6280 Enterprise Security Architecture 3 hours This course will integrate an understanding of information security elements into an overall enterprise security architecture. This understanding will include the conceptual design of the network security infrastructure, related security mechanisms, and related security policies and procedures. This course will identify architecture tradeoffs for choices in mitigating cybersecurity threats. E Economics (ECON) ECON-6400 Managerial Economics 3 hours This managerial economics course studies the role of economic theory in management analysis and decisions incorporating a Christian ethical context. This course is about economic principles and their relevance to business decision-making. We will explore the interaction of information, economic incentives, and market competition and how these interact to determine prices, products available, profits, and patterns of trade and organization. At the end of this course, students should be able to understand how basic economic reasoning can lead to improved managerial decisions. Prerequisites: BUS-6100 Managerial Data Analysis; or BUS-6300 Operations Research; undergraduate or equivalent competency in Microeconomics. ECON-6450 Economics of Government Policy 3 hours This course provides a review of the macroeconomic instruments of public policy (both fiscal and monetary) and an overview of the implication to business decisions. Monetary policy will review tools of the central bank, a historical examination of the evolution of monetary policy, and the current state of monetary theory. The linkage between monetary policy and debt finance will be examined, and contemporary public finance issues will be explored. Monetary and fiscal policy impacts on interest rates, credit availability, and exchange rates will be assessed. Finally, collective decision-making will be examined with an introduction to public choice theory. Prerequisite: ECON-6400 Managerial Economics. F Finance (FIN) FIN-6500 Executive Financial Management 3 hours This course focuses on the critical financial issues and decisions facing organizational leaders and business executives. Key concepts covered in the course include analysis of financial statements, time value of money, cost of capital, working capital management, and cash flow forecasting. Using these tools, students will learn to evaluate and determine the value of organizations and proposed capital projects. Prerequisite: ACCT6300 Accounting for Business Executives. H Healthcare (HLCA) HLCA-6305 Healthcare Models and Systems 3 hours This course serves as an introduction to healthcare models and systems using a global focus to better understand the current structure of the U.S. healthcare system. Foundational concepts of health and the influences of various factors on health, such as the social determinants of health, will be covered. After introducing foundational concepts, healthcare models and payment systems will be discussed with a comparison of the U.S. healthcare system to those of other countries. The role of personal versus governmental responsiblity in healthcare will also be addressed from a biblical worldview. HLCA-6315 Technology in Modern Healthcare 3 hours As healthcare systems become increasingly reliant on technology, leaders must understand the influence of these innovations on the delivery of healthcare services. This course will examine the intersections of technology, innovation, and healthcare. Challenges, strengths, and opportunities of different technologies, health information sharing, and digital health will be explored. Students also will learn how to leverage data to make data-driven decisions and inform innovative solutions. HLCA-6320 3 hours Innovation and Quality Improvement in Healthcare The purpose of this course is to familiarize the student with the concepts and methodologies of quality improvement across the healthcare continuum. This course focuses on the vision, strategy, and tools relating to healthcare improvement. The course will introduce and explore the evolution of quality including definitions, principles, theories, and practices. The student is introduced to and applies a diverse collection of methods of quality improvement and the use of creative problem-solving to address opportunities within the healthcare system. HLCA-6700 3 hours Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare Systems This course will examine legal and ethical issues encountered within the healthcare system and the impact of policy decisions on healthcare. Students will gain an understanding of regulatory requirements within healthcare, such as occupational safety, security, patient and employment confidentiality, and data protection. The role of ethics committees in healthcare settings will also be explored. Students will be asked to integrate a biblical worldview when examining legal and ethical issues and create innovative solutions to challenges within the system. NOTE: For those students electing the healthcare concentration, this course substitutes (not replaces) for the MBA course MGMT-6700 Legal and Ethical Environment of Business. I Innovation and Entrepreneurship (INNV) INNV-6200 3 hours Emerging Trends and Opportunities for Innovation This course will cover the practice of identifying “problems worth solving” by analyzing trends and changes in the marketplace caused by technology disruption, regulatory changes, societal shifts and more. Students will study historical disruptions and opportunities to better understand what factors to look for in the current market of “contemporary problems and opportunities” that could be addressed through innovation.