1895-1896 Academic Catalog

• 20 CE:DARVILLE COLLEGE. plete stt1dy of Englisl1; second, to acco111n1odate many 'vho feel that they ca11 11ot afford tl1e ti111e to cornplete the Classical Course. It extends throughout tv.ro pre– paratory and three collegiate years. Students \Vho con1- plete this course v.1ill be g.iven a certificate. · Those who wish to graduate and receive the clegree of B. L. may do so by devoting an extra year's st11dy, ur1cler the direc– tion of the Faculty, and passing an exan1i11atiou. ELOCUT ION. Elocution is taught to all the collegiate classes once a '<Veek, free of cl1arge. ENGLISH BIBLE. Rev. J. F. Morton , D. D., wil1 Bible study one hour each vveek. quired to attend. conduct the class in All st11dents are re- LI T ERARY SOCIET IES. The Philadelphia11 Societ)· has made successf11l progress during the past year. T\vo halls \vill be co11structed in the new college building, in the third story. Next year it is expected t11at there \vill be tv.ro literary societies. This vvill add vigor a11d rivalry to the work. One 11alf of our ed11cation consists in our literary training. These societies vvill be uncler the control of t11e st11dents. Thus having the tnanagement in their 0\\'11 affairs, \<vill tend to develop originality and indepe11dence iu the students. DEGREES AND DIPLOMAS. Students completing the Classical Course vvill receive the degree of A. B.; those co1npleti11g the Literary Course