1895-1896 Academic Catalog

• CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 2[ \Vill receive a snitable certificate. Or, by special arrange- 111e11t. students of the Literary Course " 'ill be give11 the degree of B. L. In eacl1 case, a diplon1a or certificate, signed by the Fact1lty, the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees, \vill be given. EXPENSES. 'l'uitiou.-First tern1, r3 weeks, . Tuition.-Second term, 1 1 \veeks, Tuition.-'fhird tern1, Il '\\·eeks, Incidental expenses ($L50 per tern1) per anuun1 1 • Boarding, fron1 '$2.00 to $3.00 per week. $8 00 7 00 7 00 4 50 Rooms, from 50 cents to $r.oo per \veek. Books, $6.oo per year. SU!lil\.lARY OF !110NEY EXPENSES FOR YEAR. Boarding, 35 \Veeks, $2 to $3 per week, . $70 oo ~oomrent, " socts.tof,rperweek, 17 50 Tuition for the year, . . . . . . . 22 oo Contingent expenses for the year, 4 50 Books, . 6 oo Totals, $105 00 35 00 22 00 4 so 6 00 The above is for board and rooms in pri\rate farnilies. Students \vho board tbemsel,·es or join boarding clubs can reduce the cost 1uuch lovver. DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC. ~IISS BELLE BEAZELL, DIRECTOR. This department js established to lay a thorot1gh and .. broad foundation for the highest 111usical culture. The plan and course of stt1dy of the Cincinnati College of Music \vill be follo,vecl. Prof. Beaz.ell, wl10 has cl1arge of