1895-1896 Academic Catalog

22 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. this departn1ent, "·as consiclered one of the best and n1ost brilliant pupils of the Cincinnati College. She was given a gold n1edal for proficiency there. Her vvork last year at Cedarville College \vas very sttccessful. T l1e de– partme11t this year \>viii inclt1de Piano, Orga1 , \'ocal, Chorus and I-Iarn1ony. PIANO FORTE. FIRST VEAR. Lebert & Stark.- Vol. I. Doerner's Technical Exercises. Small Studies of I<ohler, Couppey, Loeschorn, Biehl, Diabelli. SECOND VEAR. Lebert & Stark.-Ornamentation. 'fechnics.- Continued; Major and Minor Scales, Arpegios, etc. Studies by Lemoine. Agility Studies: Czerny. Sonatinas of Kuhlau, Clementi , Bachalbum, Heller, Op. 47- 46. THIRD YEAR. Techu ics.- Con ti 11 ued. Sonatas.- Mozart, Clen1e11ti. Sn1all sonatas of Beethoven, Hayden. Studies of Haberbier, Cra111er; Clen1euti 's Gradus. Pieces of Handel, Bach Inventions, Heller, Op. 46- 45. FOURTH YEAR. Sonatas of Beethoveu. Hayden's Variations in F lVIiuor. Cle1nenti's Gradus.- Continued. lVIendelsohn Songs without \\•ords. Bach.-Well-Tempered Clavichord. 1\!Iodern Con1posers. One year in Harmony required, 'vith two lessons per \Veek. T\VO years required, with one lesson per week.