1895-1896 Academic Catalog

CEDARYILl,E COLLEGE. 7 NEW COLLEGE BUILDING. During tl1e past year the College 11as occupied the fine old n1ansion house " '}1ere Dr. Hugh lVIcnifillan conducted l1is Latin sc11ool, and \.Vhicl1 is novv O\vned by Prof. David Steele , D. D., of Pl1iladelphia. The accon11nodations, hov:ever, \Vere not sufficient for the expectations of the present yeai·, so the Trustees determined to erect a suit– able bttilding on the site purchased se,1eral years ago. It contains over nine acres, \Vell graded ancl beautifully located on the n1ain street of Cedarville. The building contemplated is now in progress of erection, and \vill be ready for occupancy ,,·hen the College opens in the Atttumn. I t is a handson1e building of pressed brick and stone, the plans and specifications of which \\1ere inade by J runes R. Turner, of N e\.v York. Tl1e basen1ent contains a gym11asium, a chemical roo111 , toilet rooms, coal cellars, and the 11eating apparatus. On the first floor there are four class roo1ns, the chapel and the Presi– dent's roo1n. On the second floor, four class rooms, a large lecture room, and the library. Two large societ)· roorns occupy the entire tl1ir<l floor. The building is surmounted by a tO\Ver. Tl1ere are entrances on eacl1 of the four sides. Standing in the centre of the campus, tl1e building presents a11 attractive a11d in1posing appearance. LOCATION. CedarYille, Ohio , tl1e seat of Cedarville College, is located on the Pittsburg, Cincin11ati , Chicago, & St. Louis Railway. It l1as direct con11nunicatio11 by tele– phone, telegrapl1 and railroad ,~vith Xenia , eig-11t 1niles •