1896-1897 Academic Catalog
8 C ED A RV I L L E COLLEGE . LOCATION OF CEDARVILLE. Cedarville, Ohio, the seat of Cedarville College, is located on the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway, (the Little Miami Division). It has direct communication by telephone, telegraph and railroad with Xenia, eight miles sou th w e s t ; Springfield, twelve miles n o r th ; London, twen ty miles n o r th e a s t; Columbus, forty-seven miles northeast and C incin nati, seventy-three miles southwest. It is in the center o f the Miami Valley, and is one of the prettiest as well as the most healthful locations in Ohio— free from malaria. The country lying about Cedarville is level, fertile, improved and in every way suited for a pleasant residence. A n y who have children to educate and wish to be with them du ring their col lege life can find no prettier region and no better society than in this community, in addition to many other advantages generally sought for by the enterprising and industrious. LIBRARY AND READING ROOM. Arrangemen ts will be made with the trustees o f the Cedar ville library for the use of their books du ring the collegiate year by the students. This library contains many of the latest and best works by popular authors. Lately, valuable additions were made to it by the Hon. Wh itelaw Reid. The leading magazines and weekly periodicals will be found during the day time at the college library room. Each Thursday some student, previously appointed, will be expected to read the current news in chapel. RELIGIOUS ADVANTAGES. There are six nourishing churches in the town—Reformed Presbyterian (G. S.), Reformed Presbyterian ( S .), United Pres byterian, Methodist Episcopal, Baptist and A. M. E. Each of these churches maintains a young people’s prayer meeting once a week. On each Wednesday morning the students conduct a
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