1896-1897 Academic Catalog

1!) C e d a r v i l l e c o l l e g e . THE COURSES OF STUDY. C L A S S I C A L A N D P H IL O S O P H IC A L . Tw o courses of study are offered— the Classical Course le ad ing to the degree of Bachelor of A rts and the Philosophical Course le ad ing to the degree o f Bachelor of Philosophy. Th e object o f these courses is to give the student a high and modern collegiate education. G raduates from e ither course can e n te r at an advanced stand ing in higher colleges and universities. Several members of our Board of T ru stees are graduates of Ea ste rn Universities, and will be pleased to assist the faithful and aspiring studen t to p rop e r stand ing in our Eastern U n iv e r­ sities. T h e P residen t of the College, Dr. McK inney , is a local Ex am in e r for the University of Penn sy lvan ia, and will be glad to recommend to th a t institution any wo rth y studen ts of Cedarville College who may desire to take an advanced stand ing or a special Un iversity course. C L A S S I C A L D E P A R T M E N T . In the Classical Department there are daily recitations in all classes. Th is course consists o f teaching and lectures in History, Philosophy, Ma thematics, Latin , Greek, Rhetoric, English L a n ­ guage and L iterature, N a tu ra l Science, Mental and Moral Science. Logic, Political Science and A n c ie n t L iterature. Its aim is to give to the studen t a broad know ledge o f the highest mental, moral an d spiritual character. P H I L O S O P H I C A L C O U R S E . T h e Philosophical Course is the same as the Classical Course with the exception of G reek, for which German is substituted. T h e Ge rman begins in the Senior P rep a ra to ry year and is c o n ­