1896-1897 Academic Catalog

CEDARVILLE c o l l e g e . 21 In the F re shman ye a r Cicero’s O ra tion s against Catiline and H o ra c e ’s Odes, Epode s and Satires arc studied. Croat care has been cxerciseil to select the best texts in these studies. T h e wo rk is progressive, and the stu d e n t’s mind is directed to Roman Histo ry , O ra to ry , My tho logy and Poetry. Much of the time is taken up in Wo rd Analysis, P ronunciation and Syn tax . Close familiarity w ith S c a n n in g and the It ules of Poe try is required. Du ring the year the studen t is required to p repare Essays on the different topics o f study and thus is taugh t to convey to others in his ow n language and though ts w h a t he learns in the class­ room. T h e Sophomo re year presents additional study in History and the Satire. Courses are pursued in Livy, Ta citu s and J u v e ­ nal. T h e tran sition from the golden to the silver age of Latin L iteratu re is dw e lt upon and the differences of idioms are closely investigated. Rheto rical analysis forms much o f the ye:u-’s work and the decline o f the Roman Em p ire is studied from a philosophic standpo in t. G R E E K L A N G U A G E A N D L I T E R A T U R E . T h e Greek course begins in the Senior P repa ra to ry year. D u r in g this y e a r W h ite ’s Beg inne rs’ Greek Book is used. In the la tter pa rt of this work one term is sp e n t on the Anabasis and Prose Composition, in which there is a constant drill upon the princip les o f syn tax and the uses of prepositions. Du rin g the first two terms m inu te a tten tion is given to pronunciation, accent, diacritical marks, g rammatical constructions and pa ra ­ digms, by the daily tran slation of Greek into Eng lish and E n g ­ lish in to Greek. F rom the very b e g in n in g the studen t is requ ired to store aw ay a vocabulary according to the most natural memory method. Tw e lv e hund red words at least are comm itted to memo ry in the Senior P re p a ra to ry year. The Greek course ex tend s th roughou t twe lve full terms, at the end of which each studen t of the course will be required to prepare a thesis upon some sub ject assigned by the professor of the departmen t.