1896-1897 Academic Catalog

24 CEDARVILLE COLLEGE Th e text-books are VanDaell’s Introduction to French and the French Reader. F rench is of considerable importance in scien­ tific and literary lines, and is steadily increasing in demand. H E B R E W . Students intend ing to en ter a theological seminary should be somewhat familiar with Hebrew. This has been provided for in the Senior year as an elective. Th e text-books, Ha rp e r’s Introductory Method and Manual, and H a rp e r’s E lements of Hebrew, are used until the student has attained a good vocabu­ lary and pronunciation, and can read readily. Exercises from Hebrew into English, and from English into Heb rew are required daily. M A T H E M A T IC S . The course in Mathematics is systematic and thorough, ex­ tending through the Ju n io r year. In the Preparato ry Departmen t A rithme tic is completed from Percentage in the Ju n io r year. Milne’s S tanda rd A r ith ­ metic is the text used. Students in this class have a full drill in all the applications of Percentage to business life, together with many practical problems. T h e study of A lgeb ra is required in the Senior year. The text used is Bowser’s College Algebra ; it is intended for those who have had some previous work in Algebra, but with faithful work a beginner could enter this class. Th e work o f the first two terms extends through Quadratic Equations ; the third term is given up to a careful study o f those principles of A lgebra which find their application in H igher Mathematics. In the Collegiate D ep a rtmen t during the F reshman year Plane, Solid and Spherical Geometry and Conic Sections are taught. The text used is W e n tw o r th ’s. Careful attention is given to the demonstration of theorems, in order to train the students in accurate and exact methods o f reasoning. A large