1896-1897 Academic Catalog
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 27 posed to have studied it before. Topical and Reference works are freely used w ith Mon tgome ry as guide. General H istory extends through two te rm s—Myers’ being th e text-book. Th e Ph ilosophy of Causes and Effects in History is freely discussed in connection w ith the relation of the facts themselves. T h e H isto ry of E u r o p e is mainly philosophical, dealing w ith the g re a t social movemen ts tha t have affected Eu rop e an affairs d u ring the last five centuries. Sacred H isto ry deals w ith a detailed discussion of the his torical facts o f the Bible, together w ith con tempo raneou s events o f the su rro u n d in g pagan nations. My thology of Greece and Rome is placed in the J u n io r P rep a ra to ry year for the purpose of more profitable reading in the L a tin and Greek classics. E N G L I S H . English studies are given a prom inen t place in the cu rricu lum. T h e y begin in the J u n io r P rep a ra to ry year and are carried more or less th roughou t the whole course of six ye ars’ study. In th e J u n io r P rep a ra to ry ye a r Reed and Kellogg’s Graded Lessons in H ig h e r Eng lish is the text book in g rammar. This consists of wo rk in diag ram , analysis, punc tua tion , ab ridg ing , composition, parsing, synthesis and rules of syntax. Th e best writers of Eng lish and American L ite ra tu re are read, studied and commented upon. In this work the studen t is taugh t to th ink for himself, and a taste for reading the best literature is developed. L arge p o r tions of each au tho r studied are required to be committed to memory, and essays are w ritte n on each book as it is finished. S h aw ’s L ite ra tu re is used as the guide in study. A f te r comp le ting the English Course o f the P rep a ra to ry D e p a r tm e n t the studen t is ready for advanced work in Rhe to ric a n d Composition. Ac co rd ing ly H a r t’s text is taken up at the
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