1896-1897 Academic Catalog
CEDARV I LL E COLLEGE . :$l E L O C U T IO N . Du rin g the past year E locution was ta u g h t successfully by Profs. McCh e sn ey and Schenck , and a large numbe r of students availed themselves of the privilege w ithou t any extra charge. T h is ye a r provision has been made to continue this study. A T u to r has been a p po in ted from K in g ’s School of Oratory, P itts burgh, Pa., and is expected to take charge of a special class in Sep tember. Rev. J . F. Morton, D. D., will conduct the class in Bible S tudy one hour each week. A ll studen ts are required to attend. T h is study w ill be g rad ed and A tte n d a n c e and D epo rtm en t will be taken into consideration in the g rading. Repo rts will be sent upon this study hereafter as upon other branches. Xo stu den t will be given a d iploma who has not grades in English E N G L I S H B IB L E . Bible.
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