1896-1897 Academic Catalog

38 C E D A R V I L L E COLLEGE cess in Athletic contests. This can be clone the more easily since the students recognize that the Faculty sympathises and is ready to co-operate w ith them in promoting legitimate and healthy sport. S tudents deficient in their studies will not be permitted to engage in Inter-Collegiate games. Arrangemen ts are now being made to furnish the Gymnasium so that it may be ready when College opens in September. DEGREES AND DIPLOMAS. S tudents completing the Classical Course will receive the degree of A. B . ; those completing the Philosophical Course will receive the degree of Ph. B. In each case, a diploma signed by the Faculty, the President and Secretary of the Board of T r u s ­ tees, will be given. EXPENSES. T u ition—F irst term , 14 weeks................................................................................. $S 00 T u itio n—Second term , 11 weeks............................................................................. 7 00 T uition—T h ird term , 11 weeks .............................................................................. 7 00 Incidental expenses, ($1.50 per term ) per a n n u m ........................................... 4 50 Boarding from $2.50 to $3.50 per week. Room s from 50 cents to $1.00 per week. Books from $5.00 to $10.00 per year G raduation fee $5 00, payable w ith tuition in T hird Senior term . Fee for cost of m aterials, breakage, etc. in the study of chem istry $5.00. SUMMARY OK MON EY E X P E N S E S FOR A Y EA R . H ighest Lowest necessary cost. cost. Boarding, 36 weeks, $2.50 to $3.50 per week. . . $ 90 00 $126 00 Room rent, 36 weeks, 50c to $1.00 per week . . . . 18 00 36 00 T uition for the y e a r ...................................................... 22 00 22 00 C ontingent fees................................................................. 4 50 4 50 T o ta l...........................................................................$134 50 to $188 50 The above is for board, furnished room, fuel and light in private families. Students who board themselves or join board­ ing clubs can reduce the cost much lower.