1897-1898 Academic Catalog
Cedarville College. LOCATIO OF CEDARVILLE. Cedarville, Ohio, the eat of Cedarville College, i located on the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway, ( the Little Miami Division). It has direct communication by telephone, telegraph and railroad with Xenia, eight miles south– we t; pringfield, twelve miles north; London, twenty miles northea t; Columbus, forty-seven mile northea t, and Cincin– nati, seventy-three mile southwest. It is in the center of the iami Valley, and is one of the prettiest a well a the most healthful locations in Ohio-free from malaria. The country lying about Cedarville is level, fertile, improved and in every way uited for a plea ant residence. ny who have children to educate and wi h to be with them during their college life can find no prettier region and no better society than in thi com– munity, in addition to many other advantages generally sought for by the enterpri ing and indu triou . LIBRARY A D READI G ROOM. During the past year the leading magazine and periodical have come regularly to the reading room and have been a source of profit to all taking advantage of them. Among the maga– zines taken are uch a The Forum, The Scientific merican, The ation, etc. n effort to tart a library wa made during the \Vinter term by an appeal to the church, and a most liberal re ponse in the way of books and money wa received. Thi new library contain the very late t work on history 1 bio– graphy, science, philo ophy, law, letters, fiction, and theology, be ide many valuable , ork of reference, including an encyclo pedia of forty volumes. It i free for the use of all tudent . Students a l o can have the u e of the Cedarville town library, to which the Hon. Whitelaw Reid ha lately added many val– uable volumes, by the annual payment of a mall fee.
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