1897-1898 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College. No tudent will be conditioned in more than one regular study running through one year. Nor shall any s tudent be allo \ ed to take any more studie than are catalogued for hi cla , unle he hall have made a general average grade of ninety-five per cent. the term pre\'iou . Students desiring to enter the enior Collegiate clas will not be admitted w ith con– dition . ADM! SIO OF SPECIAL TUDE TS. tudents de iring to pursue one or more ubj ects less than a full cour e mu t matriculate, and may then attend an y uch cour e as the Faculty advise , but they will not be regarded as candidate for degree . CA DIDATE FOR THE JU IOR PREPARATORY CLA v,ithout high school, academic, or Boxwell certificate , or their equivalent, will be admitted after passing sati factory examina– tion upon the follo,;ving ubjects: . Hi to ry , l\1ontgom– ery ; Arithmetic, Ray's 1. Tew Higher; eography, Phy ical and De cripti -e; Reading and Composition; and Engli h Grammar, 1-L.ln ey.