1897-1898 Academic Catalog

16 ·Cedarv ille College. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. FRESHMA YE AR. . FIRST TERM . E GLISH-Rhetoric, Practical Elements and H an d-book, Gen ung. MATHEMATICS- Plane and Solid Geometry and Co nic Sec – tions, vVentwor th . L ATI '- Cicero's Orations, Allen & Greenough . *GREEK-Anabasis , Harper and Wallace; Prose Composition, Jones ,tGERMAN- Reader, Joynes. SECOND TERM. E , GLISH- Rhetoric, Practical Elements and Handbook, Genung. MATHEMATICS- Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Loomis. LATI - Horace's Odes and Epodes, Smith . *GREEK- Homer' Iliad , S eymour ; Prose Composi tion, J ones. *GERMAN- Schiller's vVilliam Tell, vVhitney; Prose Compo– sition, Joyne s. THIRD TERM . ENGLISH-Philosophy of Rhetoric, Whately. .1ATHEJ\IATICs-Surveyin g an<l Navigation, Loomis. L ATI -Horace's S a tires and Epistles, Greenough. *GREEK--Prom e theus Bound, vVecklein - Allen; P rose Cornpo,;ition, Jones. *GERMA --Goethe' s Fau st, Thomas; Prose C omposition , Joynes. Eng lish Bible one hou r each week dur ing the yea r. ' 1 'Greek for Classical Course ; German for P hilosophical Course .