1897-1898 Academic Catalog
Cedarville College. OPHOMORE YEAR. FIRST TERM. i\ATURAL CIENCE-Chemi try, Briefer Course, Remsen. J\lATHEMATrcs- Analytical Geometry, Loomis. LATI I-Livy, Lord. *GREEK-Memorabilia, \Vi nans. *HISTORY-England, Montgomery's Leading Fac ts , SECOND TERM. _,._ ATURAL Sc1E CE-Cbemi try, Briefer Course, R emsen. 11ATCIEMATI s-Analytical Geometry and Calcu lu , Loomis. LATl1 -Tacitu , Germania and Agricola, Allen. *GREEK-Plato' Apology and Crito, D yer. *HrSTOllY-Civilization, Guizot. THIRD TERM. Pou11 AL c1:r.:. E-Political Economy, Ely. J\1A·1HE rATI -Calculu s, Loomis , L \ 11 _ - Juvenal, Lind ay. *GHH.EK -Plato's Apology and rito, Dyer. *Hr "Jorn:- i\ilization,Guizot. l~nglish HiL!e on~ hour each ,, eek during the) ear. G1 ek fu1 la bil;ul ounc; H i to1y fo1 Phil "ophical ou1&e.
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