1897-1898 Academic Catalog
18 Cedarville College. JUNIOR YEAR. FIRST TERM. ATURAL Scrn CE-Zoology, Elements, Packard. P svcHOLOGY-Elements of Intellectual Science, Porter. PHILOLOGY-Study of words, Trench. ·Y<GREEK-Demosthenes de Corona, D'Ooge . *HISTORY-Philosophy, Schwegler. SECOND TERM. POLITICAL Scrn CE-International Law, Davi PSYCHOLOGY-Elements of InteUectual Science, Porter. E GLI I-I-The Classics and Literature. *GREEK-Demosthenes de Corona, D'Ooge. *Hr TORY-Philosophy, Scbwegler. THIRD TERM. LoGrc--Element , Jevons-Hill. ATURAL Scrn CE-Geology, New Text Book, D ana. ENGLISII--The Cla sics a nd Literature. *GREEK-New Testament Exegesis, vVescott and Hort. '*H lSTORY-Philosophy, Schwegler. EngLish Bible one hour each week during the year. ,;,Greek for Classical Course; Hi story for Philosophical Course.
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