1897-1898 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College. 21 OPTIONAL STUDIES . No election of studies is permitted until the student reaches the enior Collegiate year. In the Sen ior year the student may elect, with the aid of the faculty, either Natural Science or French or Heb rew. Experience of the past as well as of the present abundantly proves that the College Curriculum of studies dilligently pursued will produce better results than an Optional Cour e. DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY. LATIN LANGUAGE A D LITERATURE. pecial attention is given to pronunciation (the Roman method is used), syntax, mythology, history and philology. The principles of the grammar mu t be thoroughly mastered; with the reading of the required course there is a constant, thorough drill in par ing, analysis, cemparison and composition. A graded and systematic course in prose composition is begun in the Junior Preparatory year, and extends to the Freshman Col– legiate year. The Latin course extend through twelve full term , and in the l_a t term each student in Latin will be required to prepare a thesi upon some subject assigned by his professor. Fir t Year.-The first two terms are de\'oted to Jone 'Latin Les. on , accompanied by the Grammar. In this time the tudent i expected to master the inflections, and to lay general f unda– tion . for the profitable reading of Latin. The third term' work consi. ts of resar and Composition. econd Year.- The first term include the more rapid rend– ing of Cre ar, and the ma tery of sentence order. Th econd and third t •rm are pent on ergil' A3:neid, with special att n– tion tu Mythology, Pro ody and yntax. Pro e compo ition i mad a prominent f ature throughout the year. In the I• reshman year Cicero's Oration again t ntilin and II ora '., d s, Epodes and a tire ar studied. Gr at care lia s L, n exuu d to s led the best texts in th tudie The 01 k is prugt e. s1 • · , and the 1, tud nt' mind is dir ted to Roman