1897-1898 Academic Catalog
Cedarville College. MAT HEMATICS . The course in J\fathematics is systematic and thorough, ex– tending through the Sophomore year. In the Preparatory Department the study of Algebra is taken up in the Junior year, and completed in the first term of the S e– nior year. The text u ed is Bowser's College Algebra; it is in – tended for those who have had some previous work in Algebra, but with faithful vrnrk a beginner could enter thi class. The work of the fir t two terms extends through Qµadratic Eq ua– tion ; the third and fourth terms are given up to a careful study of those principles of Algebra which find thei r application in Higher Mathematic . During the enior year Plane, Solid and Spherical Geome– try are taught. The text used i Wentworth's. Careful atten– tion is given to the demon tration of theorem , in order to train the students in accurate and exact methods of reasoning. A large number of original exercise are given in order to cultivate the power of applying principles and methods already learned, and to aid the student in the mastery of hi own resources. Conic ections i tudied in the Fall term of the Freshman year. In the Fre hman year Plane and Spherical Trigonometry is taught during the second term. Surveying and avigation <luring the third. A thorough study of the e ential principles of this . ubject i required, and a large number of exercises and examples are given in order to cultivate kill in applying princi– ple.. Enough attention is given to urveying and navigation to make the student familiar with the principle and computation . The general methods of land and water urveys and the laying out of raih U) curves are taught. Loomi ' text i u ed. In the first part of the ophomore year Analytical Geome– try is required. This is intended as an introduction to the stud) of higher Mathematic . It i all important to a thorough educa– tion; "ithout it a tudent is igno1 ant of e, en the proc' s of thought of the rnathm •ti iau of his da). gen ·1 al treatment i g1 tll o the Point, the. 'traight Line, the ir le, the Parabola,
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