1897-1898 Academic Catalog
26 Cedarville Callege. the Hyperbola and the Ellip e; al o a discussion of the General Equation of the Second Degree, and a few of the Higher Plane Curves. Loomis' text is used. Tht is followed by an elementary tudy of the two branches. of Calculu -Differential and Integral. 1 nder the former i given a careful treatment of the differentiation of all functionst expansion of functions in serie , maxima and minima of func– tions of a ingle variable. ):l umerous examples illu trative of the e principle are introduced. In the Integral Calculu the following subjects are treated: Elementary forms of Integration~ Integration of Rational Function , Integration of Irrational Function , Integration by erie , etc. Loomi ' text is u ed in thi al o, and numerous examples are introduced illu trating all of the e principles. ME TAL CIE CE. Porter' Element of Intellectual cience i the text-book. It is completed during the fir t two terms of the Junior Collegi– ate year. The instruction i by the recitation and lecture y - tern. The topic tudied and di cus ed are Psychology and its reiation to other ciences the oul and it relation to latter, the Human Intellect under the heading of Pre entation and . Pre entative Knowledge, Thought and Thought Knowledge, and Intuitions. The study of P ychology "promote self-knowl– edge and moral culture, discipline to moral reflection train to the knowledge of human nature, i indi pen able to educator~~ creates the study of literature" and impel to general cientific re earch. It i the parent of all cience . pon it are ba ed political, social legal, resthetic, theological, metapb ical and phy iological tudie . Eyen tho e branche that deal with the phenomena of the material world exclu i, ely mu t make their final appeal top ycbology before they can be tamped with the eal of truth. ETHICS A D CHRISTIA CIE CE . The whole enior year i pent in the tudy of !oral ience and Apologetic from theoretical and practical tandpo111t .
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