1897-1898 Academic Catalog

Cedar ville College. The tudent i next introduced to the Study of vVords by Trench a revi ed by uplee. This subject i taken up with di cu ion on the Origin of word , Poetry, Iorality, History, and Prophecy in vVord , as well as the Ri e, Distinction and Correct lJ e of vVords. The be t writers of Engli h and Ameri– can Literature are read, studied and commented upon during two term . In thi work the student is taught to think for him- elf and a taste for reading the best literature i deYeloped. Large portion of each author studied are required to be com– mitted to memory and e says are written on each book as it is fini hed. haw's Literature i u1,ed as the guide in study. The next and final study of the Engli h Course i Logic. J evon's-Hill's text is used, and much stress and time are put upon the yllogi m, Fallacie , Induction, Deduction and practical example . POLITICAL A D SOCIAL SCIE CE. In thi era of government building, political change, and Republican tendencie , nu tudent can afford to deprive himself of a thorough education in the Hi tory and ature of our own and other nations 2 Economics, Law, and ociology. In the 'ophomore year Political Economy is begun and completed. Economic and \Vealth, Labor and Capital, Bank and Banking, Free Trade and the Protective Tariff are di. - cus ed and the be t principles advocated. Ely' text-book u ed. \\ ith the belief that a broad knowledge of national princi- ples . hould be inculcated, International La, placed in th Junior year. nder this ubject the following topic are inve · tigat d, Ilisto1 ical sketch of the Progre of International La , (Jenera! Principle and , ourc s of International La, , Th tale, ... eutralit), Arbitration and 'ommerce. The ,'enior year op n with Sociology by ~mall and Vincent. uci ·ty in it , arious forms and r lations i~ full treat d undet the folio, ing cha pt ·1": 'I h Origin and --cope of ~o iology,