1897-1898 Academic Catalog

Cedarville College. The Natural History of a Society, Social Anatomy, Social Physi– ology and Pathology and Social Psychology. This course ends with the study of Home and Foreign His– tory and the study of our Government in partic ular, as presented by Andrews. Here the student is taught how our nation grew, what it does, and how it does it. The distinctive principles of our Republic are laid down, compared and contrasted with other forms of government, until the student is fully impressed with the value and superiority of our own Government. ATURAL SCIE CE. In the Sophomore year Remsen's Briefer Course in Chem– istry is taken up and completed in two terms. A full line of apparati has been provided for this department and laboratory work will be required of all students in this class. The third edition of Remsen is used. It presents the Atomic Theory, the Periodic Law, Systematic Study of the Elements, and Class– ificaton of the Elements in accordance with the Periodic Law, as well as Common Compounds of Carbon, Q..ualitative Analysis and the Metallic Elements. These topics are discussed in addi– tion to other subjects usually found in text-books on Chemistry. Three hours in the week will be giYen to laboratory work and two to instruction. Olmsted's College Philosophy is studied in the Senior year. This is an extensive, thorough and systematic treatise on Physics. It embraces the following subjects: Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Optics, Heat, Sound, Magnetism and Electricity. All the apparati necessary to the course have been provided and will be allowed use of free of charge. Young's General Astronomy is studied a the text in Astronomy. Students are taught how to locate the stars and trace the planets. Among other topics it presents 11athemati– cal Astronomy, the ebular Theory, Asteroids, Comets, the Solar System in detail, Laws and other subjects usually found in modern texts. Testimonials declare it to be the best, latest and most scholarly text now taught in college.