1897-1898 Academic Catalog
Cedarville College. The ubject of General Biology is completed in the Senior year. edgwick and Wilson's text is used. Here the student is brought face to face with the great fact of life. Under eleven chapter are discussed the Composition of Living Organisms, Living iratter, The Cell, The Biology of Plant Life, of an Animal, and Clas ification. The course is graduated, illustrated and complete. The course in atural cience concludes with Dana's I ew Text-book of Geology. E GLISH BIBLE. Cedarville College distinctly a Chri~tian institution. The aim is not only to develop and instruct mental faculties, but to awaken and strengthen the moral and spiritual powers. The Bible i u ed daily in devotional service in the chapel. In addi– tion to thi classes for the systematic study of the Bible are held each week. All student are required to attend. This study will be graded and Attendance and Deportment will be taken into con ideration in the grading. Reports will be ent upon thi ;;tudy hereafter as upon other branches. o student will be given a diploma who ha not grade in Engli h Bible.
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