1897-1898 Academic Catalog
E 1 DOWN\ENT OF THE COLLEGE. ~IIE college has one endowed chair, that of Ancient Lan- ~ guage . At the incep t ion of the institution t his chair w:i endowed by a gift of $25,coo from the late 1r. \\'illiam Gibson, of Cincinnati, in :be name of :\Ir. Peter Gibson. It i anxiou ly desired to endow chairs in the following de– partment : ~ atural cience and Philo~opliy, Poli ti cal ~ cience and Engli~h, Mathematics, German and Ilistory; these depart– ments to he endowed prcpetly. i:,o that all nppl1anccs, app:1ratu1,, and the bcf't instruction can be secured ncl d for the first three .·20,000 euch, and for the la ·t one, at pref'ent, :j; 15,oeo. The endowrntnt of a chair not only makes the money gift permanent and unchangeable, but it perpl'l untes the name of the gi\·er and material!y aids a righteous CUll!--l'. \ \'e need thi!-, muney .1t once, and we hereby appe,il to all who rt>ad thi,; circular tu g i ve U!, omet h in g-. urns or ;j; 5oo w i II he fund c d in t Ii e 11 ame of the giver, and sum.., of :20.000 will establi-h a chair in the donor',-, name. Can ou not gi\ e the College :J,20,roo? To, hat better cau e can )OU give it than to educating the outh fur God and home and nati,·e I.ind? H) ou have not ,o 11 uch, will you not gi,e what )OU urn? I'e1l1:1ps )<HI could, ,\ith the help c,f one or t,.,.o or more friend.;, r,1i--e enough to en– do a hair. P1ay and \\' ork ov r the 111:itter, :ind come to tl1e up-building of .tn ennobling, enduring cause
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