1898-1899 Academic Catalog

8 ( 'edur ri / le Co//eye. and References including two o f the. latest and fullest Encyclopedias. It is free to all students. Students also may have the use of the town library by the payment of a small fee. A number o f valuable curiosities from different portions of this country, Europe and Asia have been collected and form a nucleus for a museum. Persons having in their possession curiosities o f animal or geological formation are hereby earnestly requested to contribute them to the College museum and thus help us to the completion of our col­ lection. LECTURES AND ENTERTA I NMENTS . Cedarvdle is the happy possessor o f a large and heautilol opera house. During the part o f the college year just expired, the students have heard and seen the Boston Star Quartette, Bvron King, J. C. Ambrose, the Yitnscope Company, besides Mtisicalcs, Cant das, the Gibson Pictures and others o f a high order too numerous to mention. Tile Lecture course o f the coming year wd! exed tiiat o a iv previous year. RELIGIOUS ADVANTAGES. There are six flout i.-hing churches in town— Methodist Episcopal, Cnited Presbyterian, Reformed. Presbyterian (Synod), Reformed Presbyterian (General Synod), lh.plist and A . M. E. Each of thise churclt.es maintains a young people’s prayer meeting once a week. On each Wednesday morning the students conduct a college prayer meeting, which nil tin- suidenls are required to attend. This meeting is held in the cliapil in the ptcscncc o f the Faculty Ninety eight per i tml. of the stude Is in attendance this year are professing Christians. A ll students are expect d and inquired to attend the eiimch designated by their parents, who are requested to send their written wishes as to what church their children shall attend This is the only college in Greene county under Presbyterian influence. The enticements to sin, so plentiful in large cities and over-crowded colleges, are not found here.