1898-1899 Academic Catalog

II Cedarville Colieue. OUTLINEOFSTUDY. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT J U N IO R Y E A R . FIRST TERM. E no ijsh — H igher Lessons, Reed & Kellogg. H istory — General to (Mediaeval), Myers. M athematics —College Algebra, Bowser L atin — First Lessons, Jones; Grammar; Allen & Grcenougli. SECOND TERM. E nglish — Higher Lessons, Reed A' Kellogg. H istory —General (Completed), Myers M athematics — College Algebra, Bowser. L atin — First Lessons, Jones; Grammar, Allen A Grcenougli. THIRD TERM. E nglish — Higher Lessons, Reed & Kellogg. N atural S cience — Physical Geography, Hinman. M athematics — College Algebra, Bowser. L atin — Caesar and Prose Composition, Harper & Telman. English Bible one hour each week during the year.