1898-1899 Academic Catalog

Cedarvilie <'<>liege. SEN IO R Y E A R . FIRST TERM. AI ytiioi . ooy — Greece and Rome, Guerber. M athematics - College Algebra completed, Bowser. L atin —Caesar and Prose Composition, Harper & Toltnau. ♦G reek —Beginners’ Book, White. ♦ G e r m a n - Lessons, Collar’s—Eysenbach. SECOND TERM. E noi . isii Rhetoric and Composition, Kellogg. M athematics —Plane Geometry. Wentworth. L atin — Vergil, Harper and Miller; Prose Composition. Jones. ♦G reek — Beginners’ Book, While ♦G erman — Lessons, Collar’s— Eysenbach. THIRD TERM. E xoi . isii - Rhetoric and Composition, Kellogg. M athematics — Plane and Solid Geometry, Wentworth. L atin — Vergil. Harper and Miller; Prose Composition, Jones. ♦G reek — Anabasis and Prose Composition, White ^G erman — Lessons, Collar s—Eysenbach. English Bible one hour each week during the year. ♦Greek for Classical Course; German for Philosophical Course.