1898-1899 Academic Catalog

10 <'edarville Colie<je. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT . F R E S H M A N Y E A R . FIRST TERM. E nglish — R hetoric, Practical Elements and Hand-book, Genung. M athematics — Solid Geometry and Conic Sections, Wentworth. L atin — Cicero’s Orations, Allen <& Greenough. ♦G reek — Anabasis, Harper and Wallace; Prose Composition, Jones. ♦G erman — Reader, Jovnes. SECOND TERM. E nglish —Rhetoric, Practical Elements and Hamlh i >k, Geming. M athematics — Plane and Spherical T rir n-nnetry, Loomis. L atin — Horace’s Odes and Epodes, Smith. ♦G reek - —Homer’s Iliad. Seymour; Prose Composition, Jones. ♦G erman —Schiller's W illiam Tell, Whitney; Prose Composition. Joynes. THIRD TERM. P olitical S c o n c e — P olitical Economy, Ely. M athematics — Surveying and Navigation, Loomis. L atin — Horace’s Satires and Epislles, Greei.'ongh. ♦G reek — Prometheus Bound, Wecklein Allen; Prose Composi­ tion, Jones. ♦G erman —Goethe’s Faust, Thomas; Prose Composition, Joynes. English Bible one hour each week during tin- year. :‘:Greck for Classical Course; German for Philosophical Course.