1898-1899 Academic Catalog

( 'eilarrillr College. 1 SO PHOMORE Y E A R . FIRST TERM. N atural S cience —Chemistry, Briefer Course, Remsen. M athkmatics — Analytical Geometry, Loomis. L a tin — L ivy, Lord. ♦G reek — .Memorabilia, Wimuis. *G erman — Hei tie’s 11arzreise. second term N vruuAi. S cience — Chemistry, Briefer Course. Remsen. M athematics —Analytical Geometry anil Calculus, Loomis. L atin - —Tacitus, Germania and Agricola, Allen. ♦G reek —P lato’s Apology and Crito, Dyer. ♦G erman — Frey tag’s Soli uud Ilaben, Bultman. THIRD TERM. N atural S cience — Chemistry, Laboratory Work, Williams. M at hematics —CaleuIus, ..... is. L atin —.1uvenal, Lindsay. ♦G reek —Plato’s Apology and Crito, Dyer. ♦G erman — Lessing’* Minna von Barnhelm, Kurtz. English Bible one hour each week during the year. ♦Greek for Classical Course: German for Philosophical Course