1898-1899 Academic Catalog

( 'cdarviUe <'ollegc. IS JUNIOR YEAR. FIRST TERM. N atural S cience —Zoology, Elements, Packard. P sychology — Elements o f Intellectual Science, Porter. P hilology - — Study o f Words. Trench. *G heek — Demosthenes de Cornua, D’Ooge *IIlSTORY—Civilization—Guizot. SECOND TERM. P olitical S cience — International Caw. Davis P sychology — Elements of Intellectual Science, Porter. E nglish — The Classics and Literature. *G it kick — Demosthenes de Corona, D’Ooge. :I I ISTORY — Philosophy, Soli wegler. THIRD TERM. L ogic — E lements, Jevens— Hill. N atural S cience —Geology, New Text Book, Dana. E nglish - The Classics and Literature. *G reek — New Testament Exegesis, Wescott & Hon. ♦H istory ' — Philosophy, Schwegler. English Bible one hour each week during the year ♦Greek for Classical Course; History for Philosrphical Course.