1898-1899 Academic Catalog

( 'edurrillf <'ollrt/r. Ill SENIOR YEAR. FIRST TERM. A i ’ oi . ooktk ' s — Theistie Belief, Fisher. P olitical S cience — Sociology, Small and Vincent. P hysics —Mechanics and Hydrostatics, Olmsted—Sheldon. i N atural S cience -— General Astronomy, Young. OR -J F rench — L essons, Van Daell. OR I H ebrew Inductive Metnod, Harper. SECOND TERM. A i ’OI. ooetics — Christian Belief. Fisher. H istory European P hysics — Optics and Electricity, Olmsted— Sheldon N atural S cience — General Astronomy, Young. | F rench — Lessons, Van Daell. ott I H ebrew — Inductive Method, Harper. THIRD TERM. M oral S cience — Christian Ethics, Gregory. H istory - - European. P olitical S cience Constitutional History, Andrews. N a t u r a l S cience — Biology, Sedgwick and Wilson. OR F rench — Reader, Van Daell. OR H ebrew — Inductive Method, Harper. English Bihle one hour each week during the year.