1898-1899 Academic Catalog

•2u Cedarville College. THE COURSES OFSTUDY. CLASSICAL AND PHI LOSOPHICAL . Two courses o f study are offered— the Classical Course leading to the degree o f Bachelor o f Arts and the Philosophical Course leading to the degree o f Bachelor o f Philosophy. The object o f these courses is to give the student a high and modern collegiate education. Graduates from either course can enter at an advanced standing in higher colleges and universities. Several members o f our Board of Trustees are graduates o f Eastern Univer­ sities, and will he pleased to assist the faithfui and aspiring student to proper standing in Eastern Universities. The President o f the Col­ lege is a local Examiner for the University o f Pennsylvania, and will he glad to recommend to that institution any worthy students o f Cedarville College who may desire to take an advanced standing or a special University course. CLASSICAL DEPARTMENT . In the Classical Department there are daily recitations in all classes. This course consists of teaching and lectures in 11istory, Phil­ osophy, Mathematics, Latin, Greek, Rhetoric, English Language and