1898-1899 Academic Catalog

Cetlarville <' d II c . i / c ,. Literature, Natural Science, Mental and Moral Science, Logic, Political Science and Ancient Literature. Its aim is to give the student a broad, practical knowledge o f the highest mental, moral and spiritual character. PHI LOSOPHICAL COURSE. The Philosophical Course is the same as the Classical Course with the exception o f Greek, for which German and Philosohienl History are substituted. The aim o f this course is to accommodate some who prefer German t >Greek It is equal in length with the Classical Course. OPT IONAL STUDIES. No election o f studies is permitted until the student reaches the Senior Collegiate year. In the Senior vent the student may elect, with the aid o f the faculty, either Natural Science or French or Hebrew. Experience o f the past as well as o f the present abundantly proves that the College Curriculum o f studies diligently pursued will produce better results than an Optional Course. - DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY LAT I N LANGUAGE AND L I TERATURE Special attention is given to pronunciation,(the Homan method is used), syntax, mythology, history and philology. The principles of the grammer must be thoroughly mastered; with the reading o f the