1898-1899 Academic Catalog

('<•(la rrillr Col!eye. required course there is a constant, thorough drill o f parsing, analysis, eompurison and compo.-ition. A graded and systematic course in prose composition is begun in the .Junior Preparatory year, and extends to the Freshman Collegiate ye .r The L itin course extends through twelve lull terms, and in the last term each student in Latin will he required to prepare a thesis upon s >me subject assigned by Ins professor. First Year.— The lirst two terms are devoted to .loots’ Latin Lessons, accompanied by the Grammar. In this time the student is expected to master the inflections, and to lay gent ral foundations for the profitable reading o f Latin. The third term’s work consists if C'scsar and Composition. Second Year.— 'Jhe first term includes the more rapid reading ot Caesar, and the mastery o f sentence toiler. The second and third terms are spent on Vergil’s .Entitl, with special attention to Mvthol ogv, Prosody, ami Syntax. Prose composition is made a prominent feature throughout the year. In the Freshman year Cicero’s Orations against Catiline and Horace’s Otles, Epodes ami Satires are studied. Great care has been exercised to select the best texts in these studies. The work is pro­ gressive, anti the student’s mind is directed to Homan History, Ora­ tory, Mythology and Poetry. Much ot the time is taken tip in Word Analysis, Pronunciation and Syntax. Close familiarity with S c a n ­ ning and tlic rules o f Poetry is required During the year the student is required to prepare Essays on the different topics o f study and thus is taught to convey to others in his own language anil thoughts w h a t he learns in the class-room.