1898-1899 Academic Catalog

i!l Cedarville Collei/c. second term Homer’s Iliad is read. The student becomes acquainted with the archaic forms o f the lauguage and the rules o f prosody. Especially is Mythology dwell upon and a thorough knowledge o f the customs and rites o f the Homeric days is required. The Homeric question is discussed ami the work is studied both from a syntactic and allegorical point o f view. During the third term the Prometheus Bound o! /Esehylus is read. The metre, mythology, style, peculiar forms and expressions o f the work, together with Mrs. Browning’s translation are carefully studied. The Greek o f the Sophomore year consists o'’ one term in Memor­ abilia and two terms in Plato’s Apology and Crito. The Memorabilia is made an i- trod action to the study ot Plato. Special drill is given to the uses ol participles. The life and teachings o f Socrates are examined in a historical and philosophical light. The Apology and Crito continue the study o f Socrates and his methods. Much time is devoted to Grecian philosophy The Junior year o f Greek includes two terms in Demosthenes’ Corona and one term in the New Testament The Corona o f Demos­ thenes is pursued until the student is made familiar with Grecian Oratory and the ancient methods o f Rhetoric. The New Testament Greek furnishes work in the study o f the Scriptures in the original. The peculiar meanings o f words, the aorist tense, and doctrines form the basis o f work in this study. It is especially worthy o f notice that Greek Prose Composition commences in the Senior Preparatory year and continues to the Soph­