1898-1899 Academic Catalog

Cedarville Coller/c. 2<; Third Y ear.— The third year contains a descriptive sketch, a novel and a play, containing the best classic efforts o f German writers o f the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. FRENCH. French is one o f the three electives o f the Senior year. It com­ prises French lesson for two terms and reading in the third. The text-hooks are Van Daell’s Introduction in French and the French Header. French is of considerable importance in scientific and literary lines, and is steadily increasing in demand. HEBREW Students intending to enter a theological seminary should lie somewhat familiar with Hebrew. This has been provided for in the Senior year as an elective. The text-hooks. Harper’s Introductory Method and 'lanual, and Harper’s Elements o f Hebrew, are studied until the student has attained a good vocabulary and or.inunciatiun, and can read readily Exercises from Hebrew into English, and from English into Hebrew are required daily MATHEMAT ICS The course in Mathematics is systematic and thorough, extending through the Sophomore year. In the Preparatory Department the study o f Algebra is taken up in the Junior year, and completed in the first term o f the Senior year. The text used, is Bowser’s (iollege Algebra; it is intended for those who have had snue previous work in Algebra, but with faithful work a beginner could enter this clas*. The work of the first two terms extends through Quadratic Equations; the third and fourth terms are given up to a careful study o f those principles o f Algebra which find their application in Higher Mathematics.