1898-1899 Academic Catalog

Cedar viHe ColIcue. ■>i During the Senior year, Plane, Solid and Spherical Geometry are taught. The text used is Wentworth’s. Garefu! attention is given to tlie demonstration o f theorems, in order to train the students in accur­ ate and exact methods o f reasoning. A large number of original exer­ cises are given in order to cultivate the power o f applying principles and methods already learned, and to aid the student in the mastery o f his own resources, t onic Sections is studied in the Fall term of the Freshman year. In the Freshman year, Plane and Spherical Trigonometry is is taught during the second term. Surveying and Navigation during the third. A thorough study o f the essential principles o f this sub­ ject is required, and a large number o f exercises and examples are given in order to cultivate skill in applying principles. Enough attention is given to surveying and navigation to make the student familiar with the principles and computations. The general methods of land and water surveys and the laying out o f railway curves are taught. Loomis’ text is used. In the first part of the Sophomore year, Analytical Geometry is required. This is intended as an introduction to the study o f higher Mathematics. It is all important to a thorough education; without it a student i= ignorant of even the process o f thought o f the mathematician o f his day. A general treatment is given o f the Point, the Straight Line, the Circle, the Parabola, the Hyperbola and the Ellipse; also a discussion o f the General Equation o f the Second Degree, and a few id' the Higher Plane Curves. Loomis’ text is used. This is followed by an elementary study of the two branches o f Cal­ culus— Differential and Integral. Under the former is given a careful treatment of the differentiation of all functions, expansion id' func­ tions in series, maxima and minima <d functions o f a single variable. Numerous examples illustrative id’ these principles are introduced. In the Integral Calculus the following subjects are treated: Elemen­ tary forms o f Integration, Integration o f Rational Functions, Integra­ tion o f Irrational Functions, Integration by series, etc. Loomis' text is used in this also, and numerous examples are introduced illustrating all o f these principles.