1898-1899 Academic Catalog

Cerfarrille <'ollei/r. Young's General Astronomy is studied as the text in Astronomy. Students are taught how to locate the stars and trace the planets. Among other topics it presents Mathematical Astronomy, the Nebular Theory, Asteroids, <'omets, the Solar System in detail. Laws and other subjects usually lound in modern texts. Testimonials declare it to he the best, latest and most schol irlv text now taught in college I).i mi’s New Text-book is used in Geology. This is studied in the Junior Collegiate year and is illustrated by specimens from various regions. The subject o f General Biology is completed in (lie Senior year. Sedgwick and Wilson’s text is used. Here the student is brought face to face with the great facts o f life Coder eleven chapters are discussed the Composition o f Living Organisms, Living Matter. The Cell, The Biology o f Plant Life, of an Animal, and Classification. The course is graduated, illustrated and complete. ENGLISH BIBLE. Cedarville College is distinctly a Christi.n institution. Tlie aim is not only to develop and instruct mental faculties, but to awaken and strengthen the moral and spiritual powers. The Bible is used daily in devotional services in the elmpei. In addition to this, classes for the systematic sillily o f the Bible are held each week. A ll students are required to attend. This study will he graded and Attendance and Deportment will he taken into cniisidcmli >u in the grading. Reports will be sent upon this study hereafter as upon other branches. No student will he given a diploma who lias not grades in English Bible DEPARTMENT OF ELOCUTION. Miss Louise M. Graff, a graduate o f King’s National Selin. I o f Oratory, is in charg“ o f this depaitment. Ex. irises are given in vocal and physical culture and composition Shakespeare is rehearsed, as well as selections from the leading authors o f the present. A public recital is given each term, in which all the pupils tali’, part. The tuition is very reasonable For full information, address the professor in charge.