1898-1899 Academic Catalog

CedarcUle College. DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC. Miss B k i . i . e B e a /. k l l , D ir ec to r . This department is established to lav a thorough and broad found­ ation for the highest musical culture. The plan and course o f study o f the Cincinnati College o f Music will be followed. Prof. Beazell, who lias charge of this department, is a talented graduate o f the ( incinnati College. She was given a gold medal for proficiency then-. Her work at Cedarville College has been very successful. The department tiiis year will include Piano, Organ, Vocal, Chorus and Harmonv. (iraduatesm thisdep rtaicin will be given a diploma. PIANO FORTE. FIRST YEAR. I.ehcrt At Stark Vol. I. Doerner’s Technical Exercises. Small Studies o f Kohler, Couppey, Loesehorn. Bield, Diabelli. SECOND YEAR. Lebert At Stark— Ornamentation Technics— Continued; Major and Minor Scales, Arpegios, etc. Studies by Ee.nuine. Agility Studies; Czerny. Sonatinas o f K uhlan Clementi, Back Album, ITeilcr, Op. 47-4(5. '1IIIl:D YEAR. Technics,— Continued. Sonatas.— Mc/.art, Clementi. Small Sonatas of Beethoven llavdn. Stu.li s o f Harbcrhier. Cramer; dementi's Gradus. Pieces o f Handel, Back Inventions, Heller, Op. 4t>—4/j. FOURTH YEAR. Sonatas of Be tlmv n llavdn’- Variations in Minor. Clementi’s Grad us Continued. Mendelssohn's Song Without Words Bach.— Well Tempered Clavichord. Modern Composers. One year in Harmony required, with two lessons per week. Two years required with one lesson per week.