1898-1899 Academic Catalog

:;i ( 'edavrillc College. CHORUS CLASS. A Chorus Class was started two years ago. \ll students o f the College are admitted to this class free o f charge. Cast year a mixed quartette and a double quartette o f male voices were organized and instructed. In addition to this the Director intends this year to organize a College Glee Club. RECITALS. Recitals o f all the vocal and instrumental classes will he given during the year by the Directjr and advanced students. These reci­ tals accustom the pupils to appear in public ami cultivate a taste for good music. RATES OF TU I T ION . FIRST TERM —FOURTEEN WEEKS. Piano, one lesson per week..................................... S <S 00 Piano, two lessons per week.............................. 10 00 Voice Culture one lesson pet week........ ............ <S 00 Voice Culture, two lesson per we* k ..................... 10 00 Harmony in Classes one lesso* per week............. 3 00 sK('ONI) TERM— ELEVEN WEEKS. Piano, one lesson per week.................................... § 7 00 Piano, two lessons per week .................................. 14 00 Voice Culture, one lesson per week..................... 7 00 Voice Culture, two lessons per week ................... 14 00 Harmony ................................................................ 3 00 ‘I'llI.. 1 ) TEIlM— ELEVEN WEEKS. Piano, one lesson p* r week .................................. S 7 00 Piano, two lessons per week................................... 14 00 Voice Culture, one lesson per week..................... 7 00 Voice Culture, two lessons per week................. 14 00 Ilaraionv................................................................... 3 00 Good pimos and organs can he rent- <1 at the expanse o f the pupil; or the C o lle g e will rent instruments for practice, one hour a day, per month $ 1.00. The Philadelphian and Philosophic Xo* i<ties each have pianos for the use o f their members.