1898-1899 Academic Catalog

<'ci/urn'I/i' ( 'n/h </c. :!7 ELOCUTION DEPARTMENT. Andrew, Yei a---- Collins, Lena...... Klilcr, K. A ......... Kevin. Mary........ (jnlhre.ilh, Robert Harper. l{<>1>1> ---- Heron. .Janus..... Iliff, W W ........... Lewis, Nellie. __ Little, M a n ......... McClelland, Irene 1’nlloek, .) ii nia __ Slcrrotl. Kclio..... Tiirnlnill. Nellie... Turner. T. R ...... WoifViril, .1.......... Young Clarence . Total IT Ohio. Ohio. Ohio. ( )hio. ...Cedarville, Ohio. Jamestown. Ohio. Raiuelton, Ireland. Ohio. <)hio. Connorsville I ml. Ohio. ..Cedarville, Ohio. Ohio <)hio. ...New York Citv. (a darvillc, ( )hio. Ohio. GRADUATES OF 1897 - Biekett, John, l> A , student-at Xenia Thcolu.'icul Seminary. Oarhohl, Raymond Porter, B A., post graduate student at Cincinnati University McMillan, limner, B. A , student at Union Theological Seminary, New York City. Morton, Calvin Crawford, Pit B., Ceiiarville, Ohio. Orr .John Alvin. B A . student at li, P Thcohigieal Seminarv and B. -\. graduate o f tin1 University of Pennsylvania, Phila­ delphia, Pa. PRi : ES. I. A prize o f live dollars bv Rev A. Savage of New (ialilee. Pa., for (holiest grades in the (ieruiau and History departin' nt. II. A gold medal hy Nath in R Park Attorney at Liw , Cin­ cinnati. for the lies! grades in English III. A prize often dollars hy the Faculty to the Society win­ ning the Contest o f IS!)!). These prizes will he presented Comm< net nu nt da v o f the Spring term, USD!)