1898-1899 Academic Catalog

Cedarville <'ollege. 38 LITERARY SOCIETIES. The Philadelphian Society was organized in the fall o f 1894, and the Philosophic during the fall o f 1895. Roth societies have been making successful progress They occupy two large, well furnished halls in the thirl story of the new college building. Their annual contest takes place at the close o f the spring term. This is one o f the characteristic entertainments o f the College It al­ a-ays gives vigor an-1 inspiration to the literary students. One half of a true education consists in literary training. These societies are under the control o f the students. Thus having the management in their own hands, they will tend to develop originality and in­ dependence o f thought and action ATHLETICS. Athletic Kxercises are encouraged by the Faculty and the Hoard o f Trustees, They are under the personal supeivision o f the President of the College. A fine, level field near the College- has been secured and laid out for base ball and loot ball. Oo the College Campus tin re is a first class I. unis court Four h.skoi ball clubs re­ presenting both sexes were organized this year They conducted their games in a large town hall. An Athletic l -IuV formed l»y the students, helps to stimulate field sports. The College authorities will promptly cheek any tendency to brutality or excess in Athletic con­ tests 'Ihis can be done the more easily since the students recognize tiiat the Faculty sympathizes and is ready to co-operate with them in promoting legitimate and healthful sport. .Students deficient .in their studies will not be permitted to participate in Inter-Collegiate games. The Gymnasium, which was furnished with complete apparatus and opened in September. 1890, is free to all students o f the College.