1898-1899 Academic Catalog

<'('(!((r r il/c <‘nl/e</r. DEGREES ANDDIPLOMAS. Students completin'; the Cl issic.il Course will receive the degree o f A. 1?.; those completing the Philosophical Course will receive the degree o f Pit. B. In each case a dipl....a signed by the Faculty, the Presidi nt and Secretary of the Board o f Trustees will he given. After three years spent in some inIt lh dual pursuit, the degrees o f A. M. and Ph. M. respectively, will he conferred, provided the request is made and the regular Ice o f ten dollars is advanced. Graduates of the Department o f Music will he given a diploma signed bv the Director ol Music and the Officers o f the College, Faculty and Trusters. EXPENSES. Tuition— First term. I f weeks........................................................S.8 00 Tuition— Second teini, 11 weeks.................................................... 7 (id Tuition—Third term. 11 weeks....................................................... i 00 Iueidiufal Expenses (81.50 per term) per annum........... 4 50 I! >arilin'; from 82.-)0 to SO 50 per week. Rooms from 50 cents to 81.00 per week Books from So.00 to Sill.00 per tear Giaduatiou li e 85.00, payable with tuition in Third Senior tc. tn Fee for cost o f materi Is, breakage, etc., in the study o f chemist rv 85 00. SUMMARY o r EXPENSES FOP A YEAR. IiOtveat Cost. Boarding, 30 weeks. 82.50 i<> 83.50 per week...800 00 Room rent, 36 wicks, 50c to 81.00 p i week... 18 00 Tuition for the year. ........................................... 22 00 Contingent fees..................................................... 4 •>(> li i^!ic>t N u -fssny Cost. 8126 00 30 00 22 00 4 50 T o t a l............................................................ 8134 50 to 81.88 50 The above is for hoard, furnished room, fuel and light in private families. Students wlm hoard themselves or join boarding clubs can reduce the cost much lower. In clubs o f ten and littecn members, h o a r d i n g may he had as low as two dollars per week. Club hoarding is popular among college students.