1898-1899 Academic Catalog

Tf»r HBWPy GF TBE A K K 4.U J93| HI UN.TOSTifv- W T iU ii C('(la> riU c CoHetje. OIS. BEQUESTS. We urge upon tin- friends o f C'edarville (College tlx* propriety o f remembering it in their wills, and. if possible, o f contributing to its endowment at once. We need 875,000. Sunis o f money or property, amounting to $500 >r over will be funded, if so de sired, ill the name o f the giver, and the interest alone used. It will thus become a perpetual memorial. Twenty th uisand doll irs will establish a chait in the name o f the donor. FORM OF BEQUEST. I give and bequeath to " Th e C’edarville College, C'edarville, Ohio, ’ the sum o f 8..........., or the following property (here specify and describe the property), for the uses an I purposes for which said corporation i< uithorized by law to acquire and hold propel ly, and the receipt o f the Treasurer o f said College shall be a sufficient <Iis- eharge to my executor. For other particulars address. D av id M c K in n k y , I).I).. President. 1088 Wesley Ave., Cincinnati, O. or W. If. .M c O iihsnky , A. M .Secretary, Cedarville, ().