1898-1899 Academic Catalog

( ’I'darrille <'o/let/e. were made by James Iv. Turner, o f New York City- The basement contains a gymnasium room, a chemical room, toilet rooms, coal cellars and the heating apparatus. On the lirst floor are four class rooms, the chapel and the President’s room, besides the main and side entrance corridors. On the second floor are four class rooms, a large lecture room, and tiie library. Two large society rooms occupy th- entire third floor Two wide and gently ascending stairways, one mi each side of the building, lend from the basement to the third s'oiv The building is equipped throughout with electric wires. It is surmounted hv a hell tower. Tln-re ate entrances on each o f the four sides Standing in the center o f th campus mi the highest site o f Ccdarville, the building presents an attractive and imposing appea ranee. LOCATION OF CEDARV1LLE Cedarville, Ohio, the seat of Cedafviile College, is located on the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway, (the Little .Miami Division. 1 It has direct communication by telephone, tele­ graph and railroad with Xenia, eight miles southwest; Springfield, twelve miles moth; London, twenty miles nortln ast; Columbus foiw - seveti miles northeast, and Cincinnati, seventy-three miles southwest. It is in the center o f the Miami Valley, and is one • I the prettiest as well as the most healthful locations in Ohio— free from malaria. The country lying about Cedar.villc is level, futile, improved a d in every wav suited fora pleasant residence. Any who have children to edu­ cate "id wish to he with then! during their college life can find no prettier region and no better society than in this community, in addition to many other advantages gonerallv s night for by the enter- pri-ing and i nlnstri ns L IBRARY AND MUSEUM. The Pacuity and students have nrgani/.ed a Reading ( ircle, which receives regularly the leading magazines and periodicals. The library is well supplied with the latest works in History. Biography, Science, Philosophy. Law, Letters, Fiction, Theology,