1900-1901 Academic Catalog

12 Cedarville Collec/e. pill instructor, containing a definite statement of subjects upon which a successful examination has been passed. IV. Students having regular high school diplomas or equiv­ alents should also present the same. Students may be ad­ mitted to classes above the Freshman on the certificate of honorable dismissal from colleges of like standing with this. Admission to any class upon certificate is tentative until the student passes the first term examinations. V. Every candidate, before admission, shall present a cer- tificateof good moral character from his last teacher; or from some citizen in good standing, or, if studying with a view to the ministry, from the proper ecclesiastical authority, and students from other colleges should bring certificates of honorable dismissal from those colleges. VI. Students unable to be present at the opening may be admitted at any time during the term, but they may be con­ ditioned to make up what the class, which they enter, may have studied in the part of the year just expired. EXAMINATIONS. VII. Applicants for admission who have no diplomas or certificates will be required to pass satisfactory examinations during the two days preceding the opening of the Autumn term provided they are candidates for degrees. But no stu­ dent will receive a. degree until he shall have completed the course, or furnished an equivalent for every study in the course. V III. Students desiriug to matriculate in any class must present satisfactory statements for or pass entrance exami­ nations in all studies previously pursued by the class. IX . Candidates for the Freshman class are especially re­ quested to examine the Preparatory Department; and, if they are lacking in any studies, to exert all efforts to make them up before entering the Freshman class; otherwise they will be conditioned at their own inconvenience. X. No student will be conditioned in more than one regular study running throughoutone year. Nor shall any student bo